One year ago today, Jared and I were sealed in the Bern, Switzerland temple. What a wonderful experience it was to knee across the alter from my best friend and to be sealed to him for time and all eternity. Knowing that we will be a forever family as long as we keep our covenants brings great peace to me since he is currently serving in a war zone. I like to think he is safe, but I know that no one is ever SAFE there. Rockets are regularly flying overhead and accountability checks are regularly conducted.
A special thanks to my mom and dad for flying out to Gemany to be a part of this special occassion. I know they made a lot of sacrifices to do so.
My parents flew to Germany to go through the temple with us! |
Speaking of Jared, I haven't given an update or shared any FACEBOOK posts on him for a long time. I guess that because there usually isn't anything new to report. Whenever I talk to him, he is FINE but tired. We get to Skype most Sundays at the crack of dawn, which has been fun even if I'm halfway asleep because we get to see each other. We are getting very excited to meet up in one month on a sunny resort island! Below are some recent (or not so recent posts):
September 24, 2010
I scored a 275 on my pt test a small increase from last time. New personal best on the two mile run 13:49. I hope I can continue to increase al the way to 300
September 26, 2010
I tried to be anonymous while attending church in afghanistan but it just didnt work. A couple of weeks after I got here i was asked to speak in church. I spoke in church today on everything that happens has a purpose and the lord has a plan in mind
October 22, 2010
I am not sure why I have become a target in the Afganistan millitary branch of the mchurch.First I had to speak and shortly after speaking they asked me to be a counselor in the elders quorum presidency. They must have lowered their standards to call me
October 22, 2010Im being a little sarcastic, of course in that last post. I gladly accepted the calling just a little shocked I would be considered for it
October 27, 2010
Why does time seem to be moving so slow right now. I cant wait for the holidays to be over then I know I will be out of this dirty, dusty, smelly place they call afghanistan for awhile
October 28, 2010
The joys of speaking in church on sunday. Just got notice I have to give a twenty minute talk on sunday. I guess they must have liked the last time I spoke, because its only a few weeks later and im speaking again.
November 9, 2010
tammy jackson the dvd you sent me for our anniversary with the photos and music almost made me cry. Keep trying ha ha ha!! Thank you for the wonderful anniversary present.
November 15, 2010
Had a great saturday went to the soldier of the month board and won it. I also scored a 279 on the pt test. I am trying to inch up to 300 its just hard to run faster when you get old like me. I have less than two months and R&R will be happening cant wait
November 24, 2010
No snow here in Afghanistan, a little chilly and lots of dust. A horrible smell is usually in the air in the morning blowing over from the sewage drain pond. Wish I was in the middle of a snow storm right now
November 25, 2010
Thanksgiving was not the greatest over here, they ran out of turkey when i got into the dining facility. I had prime rib and crab cakes and sweet potatoe pie. None of the food that was there could take the place of being with family and friends. The food doesnt taste like home cooked food. More like a british meal in afghanistan. Stuffing tasted nothing like stuffing and did not look like stuffing
December 1, 2010
just over a month left and I will get to leave this dusty, dirty, smelly and overall dump called afghanistan for a few weeks, then right back at it. Cant wait to get out of here
December 10, 2010
Less than a month before I go on leave cant wait to get away from here for awhile the final countdown for leave seems to be taking a long time.
As you can see from his more recent posts, he is really anxiously awaiting to get out of Afghanistan for a few days!
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